Use Prebuilt SageMaker Docker images PDF Kindle RSS Amazon SageMaker provides containers for its built-in algorithms and prebuilt Docker images for some of the most common machine learning frameworks, such as Apache MXNet, TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Chainer. It also supports machine learning libraries such as scikit-learn and SparkML.
19.08.2019 · Many SageMaker examples use docker to build custom images for training. Instead of installing a full Docker on Docker, which is a complex operation, we make use of the host’s Docker Engine instead. To achieve that, we install the Docker CLI on the Docker image and rely on the Docker socket of the host machine to connect the host’s Docker Engine.
22.10.2020 · Amazon SageMaker provides a great interface for running custom docker image on GPU instance. It handles starting and terminating the instance, placing and running docker image on it, customizing instance, stopping conditions, metrics, training data and …
06.11.2020 · SageMaker Studio builds the Docker image for you and pushes the image to Amazon ECR in a repository named smstudio-custom, tagged with the appropriate image name.
SageMaker provides containers for its built-in algorithms and prebuilt Docker images for some of the most common machine learning frameworks, such as Apache ...
With Amazon SageMaker, you can package your own algorithms that can than be trained and deployed in the SageMaker environment. This notebook will guide you ...
Amazon SageMaker makes extensive use of Docker containers for build and runtime tasks. SageMaker provides prebuilt Docker images for its built-in algorithms and the supported deep learning frameworks used for training and inference. Using containers, you can train machine learning algorithms and deploy models quickly and reliably at any scale.
Amazon SageMaker currently requires Docker images to reside in Amazon ECR. To push an image to ECR, and not the central Docker registry, you must tag it with the registry hostname. Unlike Docker Hub, Amazon ECR images are private by default, which is a good practice with Amazon SageMaker.