Avbooking - SATS
https://www.sats.no/medlemsservice/innlogging-og-booking/avbookingAvbooking kan gjøres via vår hjemmeside, app, eller i bookingkiosken på senteret. Dette kan gjøres inntil to (2) timer før timen starter. Står du på venteliste og rykker opp og får plass, regnes det som manglende avbooking dersom du ikke møter til timen, uansett hvor tett opp mot timestart dette skjer. Dersom du ikke møter opp til tre ...
SATS on the App Store
apps.apple.com › rw › appBooking should be easy, so we made it easy. Find, book or join trainings with the SATS App. Find the perfect Group Class for you, book a PT that can help you reach your goals, or select an Online Training that you can do in your living room. If you book a class and something changes, we will notify you about it. KEEP TRACK.
SATS - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsBooking should be easy, so we made it easy. Find, book or join trainings with the SATS App. Find the perfect Group Class for you, book a PT that can help you reach your goals, or select an Online Training that you can do in your living room. If you book a class and something changes, we will notify you about it. KEEP TRACK.