Scopus List of Journals 2020 (NEW) - › en › scopus-listOct 02, 2021 · Open the Sources page with the Scopus list search to see a general selection of journals represented in the database. Here, you will see the search criteria (Subject Area, Title, Publisher, ISSN), source type, CiteScore metrics for journals and serials, and display options. For example, you can enter the subject area (or areas) and click Apply.
SCIENCE CITATION INDEX EXPANDED JOURNAL LIST › Publications › Science Citationscience citation index expanded journal list total journals: 6592 1. aapg bulletin monthly issn: 0149-1423 amer assoc petroleum geologist, 1444 s boulder ave, po box 979, tulsa, usa, ok, 74119-3604 2. aaps journal quarterly issn: 1550-7416 amer assoc pharmaceutical scientists, 2107 wilson blvd, ste 700, arlington, usa, va, 22201-3042 3. aaps ...
Scopus List of Indexed Journals (Updated 2020) · The Scopus list of journals consists of indexed publications that are either serial or non-serial. Examples of serial publications are journals, annuals (such as reports, yearbooks, and directories), and book series, and these are assigned an ISSN (International Standard Serial Number). Non-serials include one-off books, monographs, reports ...