2017 REPORT - Frontiers
https://reports.frontiersin.org/progress/2017Our 2017 analysis of journal impact shows Frontiers journals lead in citations in their fields and rank in the top Impact Factor Percentiles. *The results are based on the 2016 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), released in 2017 by Clarivate Analytics (f.k.a.Thomson Reuters), for citations in 2016 of articles published in 2014-2015.
Scientific Reports Overtakes PLOS ONE As Largest Megajournal ...
scholarlykitchen.sspnet.org › 2017/04/06Apr 06, 2017 · Heber further speculates that part of the drop in submissions might be explained by competing journals that are based on the same editorial model, meaning, journals like Scientific Reports. Scientific Reports and PLOS ONE are remarkably similar. Yet, Scientific Reports has a much higher Impact Factor (5.228 vs. 3.057), shorter publication delay, and more lenient data availability policies — characteristics that may be drawing potential authors from PLOS ONE.