Alternative search engine DuckDuckGo's worldwide market share has steadily increased in the period between July 2019 to February 2021 – the largest surge ...
As of January 19, 2021, more than 102 million searches are being performed on DuckDuckGo each day. DuckDuckGo is as safe as a search engine can be, ...
December 26, 2021; 01:41 PM; 4. DuckDuck. The privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo continues to grow rapidly, with the company now averaging over 100 ...
27.12.2021 · While DuckDuckGo's growth is considerable, the search engine still only has 2.53% of the total market share, with Yahoo! at 3.3%, Bing at 6.43%, and Google holding a dominant share of 87.33% of search engine traffic in the U.S. According to Statcounter, DuckDuckGo's market is even less significant, giving it a measly 0.66% at the sixth position.