THE SECANT METHOD - University of Iowa is clear from the numerical results that the secant method requires more iterates than the Newton method (e.g., with Newton’s method, the iterate x 6 is accurate to the machine precision of around 16 decimal digits). But note that the secant method does not require a knowledge of f0(x), whereas Newton’s method requires both f(x) and f0(x).
The Secant Method - USM › lambers › mat772The Secant Method One drawback of Newton’s method is that it is necessary to evaluate f0(x) at various points, which may not be practical for some choices of f. The secant method avoids this issue by using a nite di erence to approximate the derivative. As a result, f(x) is approximated by a secant line through
THE SECANT METHOD › ~whan › 3800It is clear from the numerical results that the secant method requires more iterates than the Newton method (e.g., with Newton’s method, the iterate x 6 is accurate to the machine precision of around 16 decimal digits). But note that the secant method does not require a knowledge of f0(x), whereas Newton’s method requires both f(x) and f0(x).