PowerPoint Presentation
https://users.tricity.wsu.edu/~jhmiller/CS 430-530/lecture…Basic pseudocode for secant method is almost the same as for Newton’s method. function [r,fr]=secant(fh,xnm1,xn) Initialize: steps, maxsteps, minre and re . x<- xn. while (re>minre) && (steps<maxsteps) increment steps. save current estimate of root. calculate next estimate of root. re <- absolute value of fractional change. end while loop
Secant Method -- from Wolfram MathWorld
https://mathworld.wolfram.com/SecantMethod.html14.01.2022 · Secant Method. Download Wolfram Notebook. A root -finding algorithm which assumes a function to be approximately linear in the region of interest. Each improvement is taken as the point where the approximating line crosses the axis. The secant method retains only the most recent estimate, so the root does not necessarily remain bracketed.