📉 Losses — Segmentation Models documentation
smp.readthedocs.io › en › latestsegmentation_models_pytorch.losses.constants. BINARY_MODE: str = 'binary' ¶ Loss binary mode suppose you are solving binary segmentation task. That mean yor have only one class which pixels are labled as 1, the rest pixels are background and labeled as 0. Target mask shape - (N, H, W), model output mask shape (N, 1, H, W).
segmentation-models-pytorch · PyPI
pypi.org › project › segmentation-models-pytorchNov 18, 2021 · import segmentation_models_pytorch as smp model = smp. Unet ( encoder_name = "resnet34" , # choose encoder, e.g. mobilenet_v2 or efficientnet-b7 encoder_weights = "imagenet" , # use `imagenet` pre-trained weights for encoder initialization in_channels = 1 , # model input channels (1 for gray-scale images, 3 for RGB, etc.) classes = 3 , # model ...