SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To ...
SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files ...
01.07.2020 · SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the semantic models of the data sources, in terms of concepts and relations within a domain ontology.
PDF | SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and... | …
SeMi: A SEmantic Modeling machIne to build Knowledge Graphs with graph neural networks . SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files.
At the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first technique that exploits a graph neural network to support the semantic modeling process and can be considered as a step ahead towards automatic and scalable approaches for building Knowledge Graphs. Abstract SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge …
SeMi: A SEmantic Modeling machIne to build Knowledge. Graphs with graph neural networks. SoftwareX,. 12:100516. Galkin, M., Auer, S., and Scerri, S. (2016) ...
Jun 08, 2020 · SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the semantic models of the data sources, in terms of concepts and relations within a domain ontology.
01.07.2020 · SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the semantic models of the data sources, in terms of concepts and relations within a domain ontology.
Jul 01, 2020 · SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the semantic models of the data sources, in terms of concepts and relations within a domain ontology.
SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds ...
08.06.2020 · Size 8 June 2020 SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the semantic models of the data sources, in terms of concepts and relations within a domain ontology.
SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files ...
SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the … Expand
Abstract. SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, ...
Jan 16, 2016 · SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the … Expand
SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the semantic models of the data sources, in terms of concepts and relations within a domain ontology. Most of the research contributions on automatic semantic modeling is focused on the detection of ...
At the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first technique that exploits a graph neural network to support the semantic modeling process and can be ...
Apr 02, 2020 · SeMi (SEmantic Modeling machIne) is a tool to semi-automatically build large-scale Knowledge Graphs from structured sources such as CSV, JSON, and XML files. To achieve such a goal, SeMi builds the semantic models of the data sources, in terms of concepts and relations within a domain ontology.