Jul 20, 2017 · 除了ping通127.0.0.1外,别的都显示:network is unreachable 捣鼓了好久,最后在下面network connect中和sud Ubuntu ping IP: con ne ct: Network is unreachable 解析 GeniusIOTboy的博客
The problem is ,you need to set your default gateway. 1)Take terminal. 2)sudo su. 3)Type in. $ route add default gw (eg: eth0. 4)sometimes you will be able to ping (ping but no internet connection in the browser,then. 5)go to 'nano /etc/resolv.conf'. 6)Add. 7)nameserver
ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable I can then reset the IP address and ping the hardware again. It does not seem to be a hardware issue. I can wiggle the cable without getting disconnected, and I can sit as still as I can and I still get disconnected. dmesg is not showing anything.
sendmsg: Network is unreachableHelpful? Please support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/roelvandepaarWith thanks & praise to God, and with thanks to t...
I have an EdgeRouter X (v1.9.7-b4) with load balancing (failover) configuration. eth0 is connected to the DarkFiber-Terminator (DFT) via LAN. The DFT is acting ...
I have confirmed that "ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable" could be reproduced on Ubuntu 18.04.4 with Kernel 4.15.0-111-generic, while it does not (could ...
25.06.2019 · Re: [SOLVED] ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable. You are using both netctl and NetworkManager. They are arm wrestling for control of your hardware. Disable netctl@wlo1\x2dTNCAP1622C2.service. Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday.
02.03.2014 · I can ping my router, my printer, and other machines inside the local network, but I can't ping anything in the outside net (also loopback ping on localhost says "host unreachable", but I'd say that it is NAT cancelling requests) I can successfully connect through eth0, but I need to connect through wlan0. ifconfig output:
Jun 24, 2019 · Re: [SOLVED] ping: sendmsg: Network is unreachable. You are using both netctl and NetworkManager. They are arm wrestling for control of your hardware. Disable netctl@wlo1\x2dTNCAP1622C2.service. Nothing is too wonderful to be true, if it be consistent with the laws of nature -- Michael Faraday.