O Jehovah, thou God to whom vengeance belongeth, Thou God to whom vengeance belongeth, shine forth. His exploits made him a hero to the English but a pirate to the Spaniards, to whom he was known as El Draque. Poor besonged, besonneted moon! whom the prosiest pen cannot scribble of without trying to invent a bit of original flattery for!
The congenial old All Black to whom he had been chatting was suddenly a different man.: People will now vote for whom they are told, forced to vote by people who have a hold over them.: Each poster featured three women laughing, one of whom had a glass of wine in her hand.: Combining foxy irony with withering disdain, McDiarmid presents us with the tragedy of a man for whom …
Examples of Whom in a sentence. The couple has three children, two of whom were adopted. 🔊. With whom did you go to the movies last week? 🔊. Whom is the police officer chasing down the back alley? 🔊. To whom should I send the bill for the food? 🔊. Whom do we play this week, the Bears or the Vikings? 🔊
Using WHOM in English · This is my brother , whom you met at our house last month. · Do you know someone whom I can talk about global warming. · The woman whom I ...
Examples of Whom in a sentence. The couple has three children, two of whom were adopted. With whom did you go to the movies last week? Whom is the police officer chasing down the back alley? To whom should I send the bill for the food? Whom do we play this week, the Bears or the Vikings? PREV WORD NEXT WORD.
4. 1. Davila was murdered, while on his way to take possession of the government of Cremona for Venice in July 1631, by a ruffian, with whom some dispute seems to have arisen concerning the furnishing of the relays of horses ordered for his use by the Venetian government. 3.
Dec 11, 2021 · Sentences with Whom Clare Long is the woman with whom I work. Mary is the student with whom you spoke last year. To whom are you speaking? The person about whom he is talking, is his best friend. She’s going to be late so whom else can I call? The winner of the award that whom we don’t know very ...
30.07.2019 · Sentences are everywhere. Without sentences, language doesn’t really work. When you first started learning English, you may have memorized words such as: English meaning of the word “whom”; But now that you have a better understanding of the language, there’s a better way for you to learn meaning of “whom” through sentence examples.
11.12.2021 · 67 Example Sentences with Whom. By zubair December 11, 2021. December 11, 2021. Some sentences with whom begin with a pronoun (a word that replaces a noun, such as he, them, they, and him). We use it to talk about the subject (the person who does something). Whom is used as the object of a verb. Here are 67 example sentences using “whom”.
Whom in a sentence · 1. She's the woman whom I met in Greece. · 2. To whom it may concern ... · 3. From whom did you receive these flowers? · 4. To ...
It's “whoever” in both cases. Even though you can read the first sentence as “I decided to vote for him” (which would make it “whomever”), the entire clause ...