Seq2seq and Attention - GitHub Pages › seq2seq_and_attentionSequence to Sequence (seq2seq) and Attention. The most popular sequence-to-sequence task is translation: usually, from one natural language to another. In the last couple of years, commercial systems became surprisingly good at machine translation - check out, for example, Google Translate , Yandex Translate , DeepL Translator , Bing Microsoft ...
Visualizing A Neural Machine Translation Model (Mechanics of ...
jalammar.github.ioThe attention decoder RNN takes in the embedding of the <END> token, and an initial decoder hidden state. The RNN processes its inputs, producing an output and a new hidden state vector (h 4). The output is discarded. Attention Step: We use the encoder hidden states and the h 4 vector to calculate a context vector (C 4) for this time step.