[1409.0473] Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to ...
arxiv.org › abs › 1409Sep 01, 2014 · Neural machine translation is a recently proposed approach to machine translation. Unlike the traditional statistical machine translation, the neural machine translation aims at building a single neural network that can be jointly tuned to maximize the translation performance. The models proposed recently for neural machine translation often belong to a family of encoder-decoders and consists ...
Seq2seq (Sequence to Sequence) Model with PyTorch
www.guru99.com › seq2seq-modelNov 01, 2021 · Source: Seq2Seq. PyTorch Seq2seq model is a kind of model that use PyTorch encoder decoder on top of the model. The Encoder will encode the sentence word by words into an indexed of vocabulary or known words with index, and the decoder will predict the output of the coded input by decoding the input in sequence and will try to use the last input as the next input if its possible.
Character-level recurrent sequence-to-sequence model
keras.io › examples › nlpSep 29, 2017 · This example demonstrates how to implement a basic character-level recurrent sequence-to-sequence model. We apply it to translating short English sentences into short French sentences, character-by-character. Note that it is fairly unusual to do character-level machine translation, as word-level models are more common in this domain.