What is a Certificate? - Computer Hope
www.computerhope.com › jargon › cJul 06, 2021 · A certificate or digital certificate is a unique, digitally signed document which authoritatively identifies the identity of an individual or organization. Using public key cryptography, its authenticity can be verified to ensure that the software or website you are using is legitimate.
Course Certificates
www.coursera.support › s › articleAcademic or professional credit. Coursera Certificates do not provide professional or academic credits. If you need to know whether a Coursera Certificate will count toward accreditation for a specific organization or program, please ask a representative of that organization or program.
Koronasertifikat - FHI
https://www.fhi.no/om/koronasertifikat09.06.2021 · Risikovurdering av koronasertifikat, trinn 4. Risikobildet for Trinn 4 av koronasertifikatløsningen viser at risikonivået for informasjonssikkerhet er totalt sett vurdert som akseptabelt, innenfor de tiltenkte bruksområdene. Publisert 05.07.2021.