The plugin serverless-python-requirements uses cache. Make sure to clean it before package your service. Furthermore, psycopg requires to be compiled with a lambda environment: # serverless.yaml custom: pythonRequirements: dockerizePip: true # bash $ serverless requirements cleanCache $ serverless deploy --stage <stage>.
06.11.2018 · npm install serverless-plugin-simulate --save-dev npm install serverless-python-requirements --save-dev Then add a bit of configuration to the serverless.yml .
If you have different python functions, with different sets of requirements, you can avoid including all the unecessary dependencies of your functions by using the following structure: ├── serverless.yml ├── function1 │ ├── requirements.txt │ └── └── function2 ├── requirements.txt └──
Does this plug-in works with serverless-python-requirements? I have module in serverless.yml and requirement.txt for python, but it completely ignored. An example of serverless-python-requirements would be great. Thanks, Ali
Lazy loading of your files with require cache invalidation: no need for a reloading tool like Nodemon. ... npm install serverless-offline-python --save-dev.