shap.plots.force — SHAP latest documentation › shapshap.plots.force. Visualize the given SHAP values with an additive force layout. This is the reference value that the feature contributions start from. For SHAP values it should be the value of explainer.expected_value. Matrix of SHAP values (# features) or (# samples x # features). If this is a 1D array then a single force plot will be drawn ...
summary_plot: SHAP Summary Plot in mshap: Multiplicative SHAP ... › cran › mshapJun 17, 2021 · Details. This function allows the user to pass a data frame of SHAP values and variable values and returns a ggplot object displaying a general summary of the effect of Variable level on SHAP value by variable. It is created with {ggbeeswarm}, and the returned value is a {ggplot2} object that can be modified for given themes/colors.
shap.plot.summary function - RDocumentation › topics › shapThe summary plot (a sina plot) uses a long format data of SHAP values. The SHAP values could be obtained from either a XGBoost/LightGBM model or a SHAP value matrix using shap.values. So this summary plot function normally follows the long format dataset obtained using shap.values. If you want to start with a model and data_X, use shap.plot ...