15.03.2014 · What ships make a good flag ship in Sid Meier's Pirates? Is there an advantage to keeping a smaller ship or should I try to use the largest ship I can find? sid-meiers-pirates. Share. Improve this question. Follow asked Mar 15, 2014 at 7:01. Son of a …
Sid Meier's Pirates! (2004) Ship Types Ship Type Image & Ship Class Short Description War Canoe: Pinnace Class: The smallest ship class. These three ships are poor in cannons, crew and cargo capacity, but they are all exceptionally maneuverable and can sail at high speed in extremely odd angles to the wind.
I personally use a royal sloop as my flagship when I am sailing the seas. This ship allows me to out maneuver most ships and board them for the sword fight ...
A mid-sized combat vessel with a good cargo hold. Usually encountered as a Spanish trading ship, it is nimble enough to protect itself from most ship types, and ...
11.10.2010 · Sid Meier's Pirates! Best Flagship ?? sidvic13 11 years ago #1. I am new to the Pirates world and got the Wii version last week - which is the best ship to have as your flagship ?? Pyropastie 11 years ago #2. At the moment I've got an English frigate which I robbed on the high seas pretty early on in the game.
The new Pirates! game will come with a grand total of 27 ships. Each of these ships comes ... Type, Size, Turning, Crew, Guns, Cargo, Speed, Best Sailing.
Each ship existing in a game of Pirates! (any version), be it the player's ship or otherwise, belongs to one specific "Type". The ship's Type defines …
Nov 10, 2021 · Most of the best mods for Sid Meier's Pirates were detailed in the original article; this update will add a few more mods that deserve a mention. 15 Color-Coded Indicator For Crew Morale
Jan 15, 2011 · Highest Rated Guide. -+= Sid Meier's Pirates! =+- Printable Guide to Ship Attributes Written by rossmacdaddy for GameFAQ's Version 1.00 (Final) -+= The Ships of the Caribbean =+- CLASS SHIP SIZ TUR TYP SPD MIN MAX CAN CAR Sloop Sloop Sml 4 War 4 8 75 12 40 Sloop Sloop of War Sml 4 War 4 10 100 16 50 Sloop Royal Sloop Sml 4 War 4 12 125 20 60 ...
But it is very difficult to find one. In fact, the only Large Frigate that I found (and captured) was Henry Morgan's flagship. I'm not sure, but it may even be the only one in the game......