Future Simple Passive - GrammarTOP.com
https://grammartop.com/the-future-simple-passive13.02.2019 · Future Simple Passive is used to talk about an action that is going to happen in the future. In the passive voice, emphasis is put on the effect of an action rather than on the doer.. The letter will be sent tomorrow.; The work will be done on time.; Future Simple Passive structure. First, let’s refresh the Future Simple structure with the Active Voice:
Simple Future Passive - GrammarBank
www.grammarbank.com › simple-future-passiveSomething be done by someone in the future. Active : We will take the horses to the stable. Passive: The horses will be taken to the stable. Active : Will the manager sign the contract tomorrow. Passive: Will the contract be signed by the manager tomorrow. Active : Will the boss give me a job? Passive: Will I be given a job by the boss? Quick Exercise
Future Simple Passive - GrammarTOP.com
grammartop.com › the-future-simple-passiveFeb 13, 2019 · Future Simple Passive is used to talk about an action that is going to happen in the future. In the passive voice, emphasis is put on the effect of an action rather than on the doer. The letter will be sent tomorrow. The work will be done on time. Future Simple Passive structure. First, let’s refresh the Future Simple structure with the Active Voice: