Tenses: Simple Present and Simple Past
wps.pearsoned.com › Cornerstone_4-Tenses17 Tenses: Simple Present and Simple Past past present Now read these sentences. • Yesterday, I walked across the fields. • I walk across the fields every day. You will notice that the form of the verb walk changes in these sentences. The verb walk not only expresses an action, but it also tells us the time of action. Note We use the future ...
www.abcteach.com › free › gLEARNING ABOUT VERB TENSES SIMPLE PRESENT, PAST, AND FUTURE TENSES PRACTICE 1 Read each of the following sentences. Circle the correct tense of the underlined verb. 1. Sheryl played with her dog. present past future 2. Harry will go with Bob to the movies. present past future 3. Leslie sings in the choir. present past future 4.