Simplify Fractions - alcula Fractions Calculator. Use this page to reduce a fraction to it's lowest terms. Enter the numerator and denominator as integer numbers.Then press the "Simplify Fraction" button, to calculate and display the simplified fraction. You may enter positive or negative numbers for both numerator and denominator as long as their value is between -2147483648 and 2147483647.
Simplifying Fractions Calculator › fractionssimplifyIf your improper fraction numbers are large you can use the Long Division with Remainders Calculator to find whole number and remainder values when simplifying fractions by hand. To perform math operations on fractions before you simplify them try our Fractions Calculator. This calculator will also simplify improper fractions into mixed numbers.
Simplify Fractions Calculator › calculators › simplifySolution: the fraction is 20/100, both can be divided by 2, resulting in 10/50, both of which can further be divided by 2, resulting in 5/25, which cannot be divided by 2 or 3, but can be divided in 5, resulting in 1/5, which can be divided no further. 20/80 simplified is 1/5. You can verify the result using our simplify fractions calculator ...