Possessive Nouns - Cache County School District
www.ccsdut.org › site › handlersPossessive Nouns By Ms. Adams Revised by Mr. C 3 Rules to Make Possessives Rule 1: To form the possessive of a singular noun, add an apostrophe and s (’s) = car = car’s Rule 2: To form the possessive of a plural noun ending in s, add only an apostrophe (’) = dogs = dogs’ Rule 3: To form the possessive of a plural noun that does not end in s, add an apostrophe and s (’s) = mice = mice ...
Plural v. Possessive - Writing
eccsean.weebly.com/uploads/8/9/7/6/8976585/plural_v._…PowerPoint Presentation Plural v. Possessive When andWhere to Use anApostrophe Possessive NounsorPlural Nouns Do not confuse possessive nouns with plural nouns: Most plural nouns end in – s or – es boy boys peach peaches If a noun is possessive, you need an apostrophe before or after the “ s Forming Plural andPossessive Nouns Singular Possessive