Covid-19 | BI student ved BI og medlem av SiO kan du bestille ordinær test for covid-19 hos SiO Helse. Les mer om hvordan du booker time og hvem som bør teste seg på dere sider. Campus Bergen. Studenter har mulighet for å teste seg for korona på Festplassen. Det tar rundt 10-15 minutter å gå fra campus Bergen til Festplassen.
Housing overview - Apply for student housing here - SiO › en › housingApply here! You will stay in your current residence while you are on the waiting list. Your tenancy will automatically be terminated and allocated another student when you sign the contract for your new accommodation. When you are allocated new housing, you will have to pay double rent for a few days. -if the housing you are moving from has 2 ...
Streuberg Quarry, Bergen, Vogtlandkreis, Saxony, Germany › loc-1907Formula: Cu 5 (PO 4) 2 (OH) 4. Reference: T. Witzke (1994) Lapis 19 (10), 36-39. ⓘ Schorl. Formula: Na (Fe 2+ 3 )Al 6 (Si 6 O 18 ) (BO 3) 3 (OH) 3 (OH) Reference: Wittern: "Mineralfundorte in Deutschland", 2001. Torbernite. Streuberg Quarry, Bergen, Vogtlandkreis, Saxony, Germany. ⓘ Torbernite.
Trip Details - › Jan_Mayen › introOver the three week span of the trip, the joint SIO/Bergen team trekked across the 30 km long island, drilling the multiple lava flows. Jan Mayen is a volcanic island, and a relatively young one. Estimated to be younger than 600,000 years, it is located near the Jan Mayen Fracture Zone.