Kontakt SiO - SiO
https://www.sio.no/snarveier/kontakt/siosenteretKontakt SiO - SiO Kundesenteret er SiOs eget informasjonsenter på Blindern og vi kan svare på det meste om SiO. Dersom du skal flytte inn i studentbolig vil du få informasjon på mail i forkant av innflyttingsdagen om hvor du skal hente nøkkelen din. Kontakt oss 22 85 32 00 Send oss en melding Besøk oss Problemveien 9 Kristian Ottosens hus, Blindern
Kontakt SiO - SiO
https://www.sio.no/snarveier/kontaktSiO Barnehage Postboks 94 Blindern 0314 Oslo. SiO Barnehages administrasjon. Send oss en melding. Douglas Wilson. Barnehageleder. 920 61 934 douglas.wilson@sio.no. Dersom du har spørsmål om faktura, purring og innbetalinger for barnehageplass, kontakt SiO Barnehage på e-post barnehage@sio.no.
Covid-19 - SiO (en)
www.sio.no › en › health-servicesSiO Health has test station at Blindern (Fredrikkeplassen) and offers free testing of Covid-19. Who should be tested? You should be tested if you suspect you have been infected. For updated testing qualifications please read here. How to make an appointment Students with a Norwegian personal number can order appointment online at helsenorge.no.
Athletica Blindern - Fitness club at Blindern - SiO
www.sio.no › en › sportsAthletica Blindern - Fitness club at Blindern - SiO Fitness facility Bouldering wall Multipurpose hall Welcome to Athletica Blindern Visit our newly refurbished club at Campus Blindern. We have group training studios, gym areas, blouldering room and multipurpose hall. We offer Gym area Bouldering room Studios for group training Cycling studio
SiO - For a better student life - SiO
www.sio.no › en › 30063SiO - For a better student life - SiO In May 2021, a brand new student house opens at Blindern in Oslo, a stone's throw from UiO. The building will have 12 floors and be set up in solid wood, a form of construction that is both modern and environmentally friendly. The new student house in Blindernveien 6 will accommodate 290 housing units.