Measures of Shape: Skewness and Kurtosis › staff › fmasciHowever, the skewness has no units: it’s a pure number, like a z-score. Computing The moment coefficient of skewness of a data set is skewness: g1 = m3 / m2 3/2 where m3 = ∑(x−x̄)3 / n and m2 = ∑(x−x̄)2 / n x̄ is the mean and n is the sample size, as usual. m3 is called the third moment of the data set. m2 is the variance, the ...
Skewness › CBREGIf you describe the curves statistically, curve A is positively skewed and might have a skewness coefficient of 0.5, and curve B is negatively skewed and might ...
Skewness - Wikipedia measures of skewness have been used, including simpler calculations suggested by Karl Pearson (not to be confused with Pearson's moment coefficient of skewness, see above). These other measures are: The Pearson mode skewness, or first skewness coefficient, is defined as mean − mode/standard deviation.