Economic, social, and environmental impacts of the oil spill ... › handle › 20Objectives of the study A. General This study aims to determine the economic, social, and environmental impacts of the oil spill on Eco-Tourism in Taklong Island National Marine Reserve after six (6) years, as perceived by household heads in Barangay San Roque, Nueva Valencia, Guimaras. B. Specific This study specifically aims to determine the economic, social, and environmental impacts of the ...
The impact of government failure on tourism in the Philippines › pmc › articlesMay 23, 2015 · Shocks to consumer confidence such as economic and financial crises and high unemployment rates in countries where most tourists to the Philippines originate may complicate the impact of the US FAA downgrade and EU ban on tourism demand although Gounopoulos et al. (2012) argue that macroeconomic shocks on the consumer confidence in tourists’ origin countries do not have a significant impact on tourism demand. Government failure as the source of negative impact on a country's tourism ...