Drink can - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drink_canA drink can is a metal container designed to hold a fixed portion of liquid such as carbonated soft drinks, alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, teas, herbal teas, energy drinks, etc. Drink cans are made of aluminum or tin-plated steel. Worldwide production for …
Health Safety of Soft Drinks: Contents, Containers, and ...
https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2015/12869728.01.2015 · Soft drinks typically contain water, sweetener (8 12%, w/v), carbon dioxide (0.3 0.6% w/v), acidulants (0.05 0.3% w/v), flavorings (0.1 0.5% w/v), colorings (0 70 ppm), chemical preservatives (lawful limits), antioxidants (<100 ppm), and/or foaming agents (e.g., saponins up to 200 mg/mL). Some types of soft drink use sugar substitutes.