GSIS - Admissions - Programs. Sogang GSIS recruits about OO students for Master degree program in the four specialty areas, International Relations (including National Intelligence & Security Track), International Trade, International Finance, and Korea & East Asia.Also, Sogang GSIS recruits about O students for Ph.D. program in the three fields of major mentioned above except Korea & East …
GSIS - Faculty - Sogang Kim is a political scientist trained at Yale University (MA in International Relations; Ph.D. in Political Science). Before joining Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Sogang University in 2003, he worked at Yale University as lecturer for the Department of Political Science and Yale Center for the International and Area Studies (YCIAS).
GSIS - Faculty - Sogang › gsis › gsis01_03_5Before joining Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS) at Sogang University in 2003, he worked at Yale University as lecturer for the Department of Political Science and Yale Center for the International and Area Studies (YCIAS). He is a member of and the Government Performance Evaluation Committee.
wwwe - Professional Graduate Schools - Sogang University › wwwe › graduate_02_00_4The mission of Sogang Business School graduate program is, first, to provide outstanding education grounded in the Jesuit educational principle that cultivates students to become responsible leaders of the global marketplace and to promote the welfare of all global citizens and, second, to create new knowledge necessary for advancement of the academic and business communities by promoting top ...
GSIS - About Sogang GSIS Student Exchange Agreement between Sogang University and The Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg (Germany) 08/19 The 18th Commencement 08/29 The 22nd class entered 11/30 10th Anniversary of Sogang GSIS 2006. 01/06 Agreement for Exchange and Cooperating between GSIS, Sogang University and Corvins University of Budapest
Sogang University GSIS - Home | Facebook › soganggsisSogang University GSIS. June 26 ·. STUDENT COUNCIL FALL ‘21 . Congratulations to the new SC President and VP for Fall ‘21, Wan Ying and He Man! 🎉🎊. Let’s all hope for less restrictions and covid cases, so that we will have an exciting semester full of various activities and events spent together~.
GSIS - Faculty - Sogang › gsis › gsis01_03_18Jae Wook Jung is an economist of international trade and macroeconomics and an assitant professor of international trade at the Graduate School of International Studies (GSIS), Sogang University. He was awarded a B.S. in Engineering and M.A. in Economics from Yonsei University and a Ph.D. in Economics from University of California, Davis.