서강대학교 한국어교육원 - Sogang
klec.sogang.ac.kr서강대학교 한국어교육원. 일반목적 과정 kgp200. 일반목적과정 kgp200. 실생활에 필요한 의사소통능력 향상을. 희망하는 학습자를 위한 프로그램입니다. 과정소개 바로가기. 학문목적 과정 kap200. 학문목적과정 kap200. 한국에서 대학 또는 대학원에 진학하기를.
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center
klec.sogang.ac.krSogang University Korean Language Education Center 2022 Spring Semester Registration (KGP200, KAP200, KGP60) 2022 Spring semester Registration for the Regular course is in progress (Registration period: 2021.12.14~202.01.19) All Regular courses(KGP200, KAP200, KGP60) are conducted Offline classes
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center
klec.sogang.ac.krWelcome to Sogang University Korean Language Education Center. Sogang KLEC is a place where the largest number of people from all over the world gather together to learn Korean. People from 70 to 80 countries are using Korean as an official language to get closer and exchange ideas at Sogang KLEC.
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center
klec.sogang.ac.kr* Sogang KLEC special scholarship With letter of recommendation by a Korean instructor or the director of Korean education institution, a 10% tuition reduction is provided after evaluation Speicial Offer: Provide dormitory (with cost, first-come-first-serve) Provide a 1:1 language exchange opportunity with a Sogang University student
Sogang University Korean Language Education Center
klec.sogang.ac.krScrolling from side to side. 1 For those who cannot continue the school due to the refusal of a visa or extension of stay duration, 100% of tuition is refundable. 2 When you apply for a refund, your visa (D-4) will be canceled. If a language tranining visa (D-4) holder cancels the Korean language course, the departure (return the alien ...