www.a-sscc2021.orgA-SSCC 2021 is looking for innovative silicon systems and circuit solutions to enrich our life with the Connection of Intelligent Things. The IEEE A-SSCC 2021 (Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference) is an international forum for presenting the most updated and advanced chips and circuit designs in solid-stat and semiconductor fields.
Solid State Communications - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_State_CommunicationsSolid State Communications is a peer-review scientific journal of solid-state physics. The journal specializes in short papers on significant developments in the condensed matter science. The journal was established 1963, when the Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids split its letters section to create this journal. The journal is published bimonthly by Elsevier and its current editor-in-chief is Aron Pinczuk (Colu…