PHYS 666: Solid State Physics I › veenendaal › _internalSolid State Physics vs. Condensed-Matter Physics • Condensed-matter physics is the more modern term • Condensed-matter physics is broader and applies to concepts that work in solids, but could equally applied to liquid (for example, superconductivity vs. superfluidity, soft-condensed matter)
EP 364 SOLID STATE PHYSICS › scalise › P6338sp20EP364 SOLID STATE PHYSICS INTRODUCTION Theentire computerandelectronicsindustry relies on tuning of a special class of material, the semiconductor, which lies right at the metal-insulator boundary. Solid state physics provide a background to understand what goes on in semiconductors.
SOLID STATE PHYSICS PART II Optical Properties of Solids › 6 › wwwFrom Eqs.1.27 and 1.28, the continuity of Ex across the surface of the solid requires that E0 = E1 +E2: (1.29) With E~ in the x direction, the second relation between E0;E1; and E2 follows from the continuity condition for tangential Hy across the boundary of the solid. From Maxwell’s equation (Eq.1.2) we have r£E~ = ¡„ =
Solid State Physics - DAMTP › user › tongSolid state physics is the study of \stu ", of how the wonderfully diverse properties of solids can emerge from the simple laws that govern electrons and atoms. There is one, over-riding, practical reason for wanting to understand the behaviour