Solid phase peptide synthesis - SlideShare › asirsikar1 › solid-phaseOct 20, 2017 · The Merrifield Method Synthesized a nonapeptide (bradykinin) in 1962 in 8 days in 68% yield. Synthesized ribonuclease (124 amino acids) in 1969. 369 reactions; 11,391 steps Nobel Prize in chemistry: 1984 9. • Laboratory • Industrial Peptide synthetiser Solid Phase Peptide Synthesizers 2.Solid-Phase Peptide Synthesis Nobel prize in 1984
Solid state chemistry - SlideShare › RawatDAGreatt › solid-stateOct 12, 2014 · Solid State Chemistry (SSC) By- Saurav K. Rawat (Rawat DA Greatt) 1. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF SOLIDS SOLID MATERIALS CRYSTALLINE POLYCRYSTALLINE AMORPHOUS (Non-crystalline) Crystal Structure 3 Single Crystal. 5. Polycrystalline materials are made up of an aggregate of many small single Polycrystalline materials have a high degree of order over many ...
Solid-state reaction route - Wikipedia solid-state reaction route is the most widely used method for the preparation of polycrystalline solids from a mixture of solid starting materials. Solids do not reacttogether at room temperature over normal time scales and it is necessary to heat them to much higher temperatures, often to 1000 to 1500 °C, in order for the reaction to occur at an appreciable rate. The factors on which the feasibility and rate of a solid state reaction depend include, reaction co…