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solve mathematica

How do I use the output of functions like Solve?
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Solve and other functions such as FindInstance, NSolve, and NDSolve return a list of rules. In the Wolfram Language, rules associate symbols with values. For example, consider the output of: roots = Solve [x^2 + 4 x - 1 == 0, x] { {x -> -2 - Sqrt [5]}, {x -> -2 + Sqrt [5]}} The output is a list of lists of rules.
NSolve - Wolfram Language Documentation
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NSolve[expr, vars] attempts to find numerical approximations to the ...
Mathematica Tutorial: Differential Equation Solving With DSolve
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Solving with DSolve The Mathematica function DSolve finds symbolic solutions to differential equations. (The Mathe-matica function NDSolve, on the other hand, is a general numerical differential equation solver.) DSolve can handle the following types of equations:
Solve an Equation - Wolfram Language Documentation
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The Wolfram Language has many powerful features that enable you to solve many kinds of equations.
Keep only positive and real solutions from Solve? - Wolfram ...
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Two imaginary, one negative and one positive. Can I somehow automatically tell Mathematica to only keep the real and positive answer? Sort of: Solve[equation1 ...
Solve - Wolfram Language Documentation
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Solve[expr, vars] attempts to solve the system expr of equations or inequalities for the variables vars. Solve[expr, vars, dom] solves over the domain dom.
Solve an Equation—Wolfram Language Documentation
reference.wolfram.com › language › howto
Solve an Equation. The Wolfram Language has many powerful features that enable you to solve many kinds of equations. You can solve an equation using Solve. Remember to use "==" in an equation, not just "=": Copy to clipboard. The result is a Rule inside a doubly nested list.
Solve Equations in Mathematica using Solve, FindRoot and ...
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How to solve equations using mathematica.An overview of the Solve, FindRoot and Reduce functions
Manipulating Equations and Inequalities - Wolfram Language ...
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It is important to realize that an equation such as actually has an infinite number of possible solutions. However, Solve by default returns just one solution, ...
equation solving - A basic problem with Solve - Mathematica ...
mathematica.stackexchange.com › questions › 24106
A basic problem with Solve. 3. I have this equation: 4b*Cos [2t]-4a*Sin [2t]==4Cos [2t]+8Sin [2t] Which I would like to solve. Without using mathematica, you can pretty easily see that a = -2 and b = 1, but when I solve it with mathematica it gives me various long results including sometimes tan, sec cot etc.
Use Rule Solutions - Wolfram Language Documentation
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A solution set is returned in one sublist when you solve a system of linear equations. Set up a list of a simple system of linear equations to solve:.
Mathematica: Extract numerical value when using Solve ...
22.08.2011 · In Mathematica, calling Solve, returns a list of rules, e.g., In[1]:= g = Solve[(x - 1) (x - 2) == 0, x] Out[1]= {{x -> 1}, {x -> 2}} How can I extract the numerical ...
Solve—Wolfram Language Documentation
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Solve [ expr, vars, Integers] solves Diophantine equations over the integers. Solve [ …, x ∈ reg, Reals] constrains x to be in the region reg. The different coordinates for x can be referred to using Indexed [ x, i]. Algebraic variables in expr free of vars and of each other are treated as independent parameters.
Solve Equations in Mathematica using Solve, FindRoot and ...
14.03.2011 · How to solve equations using mathematica.An overview of the Solve, FindRoot and Reduce functions
Mathematica Tutorial: Differential Equation Solving With ...
Introduction to Differential Equation Solving with DSolve The Mathematica function DSolve finds symbolic solutions to differential equations. (The Mathe- matica function NDSolve, on the other hand, is a general numerical differential equation solver.) DSolve can handle the following types of equations: † Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), in which there is a single independent …
Microsoft Math Solver - Math Problem Solver & Calculator
Online math solver with free step by step solutions to algebra, calculus, and other math problems. Get help on the web or with our math app.
Manipulating Equations and Inequalities—Wolfram Language ...
"Defining Variables" discussed assignments such as x=y, which set x equal to y. Here we discuss equations, which test equality. The equation x==y tests whether x is equal to y. It is very important that you do not confuse x=y with x==y. While x=y is an imperative statement that actually causes an assignment to be done, x==y merely tests whether x and y are equal, and causes no explicit action.
Solve a Differential Equation - Wolfram Language ...
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The Wolfram Language 's differential equation solving functions can be applied to many different classes of differential equations, automatically selecting ...
Equation Solving - Wolfram Language Documentation
https://reference.wolfram.com › Eq...
Built into the Wolfram Language is the world's largest collection of both numerical and symbolic equation solving capabilities\[LongDash]with many original ...
Solve Equations using Mathematica
12.12.2021 · How to use Mathematica to solve (somewhat) large systems of equations. 2. Split complex equation. 0. Solving equations with complex or real or imaginary number. Hot Network Questions Go mad with this one-dimensional jigsaw Slater-Velez permutation ...
Solve—Wolfram Language Documentation
Solve [ expr, vars, Integers] solves Diophantine equations over the integers. Solve [ …, x ∈ reg, Reals] constrains x to be in the region reg. The different coordinates for x can be referred to using Indexed [ x, i]. Algebraic variables in expr free of vars and …
Wolfram Mathematica: Modern Technical Computing
Wolfram. Mathematica. Mathematica 12.3 Now Available! For three decades, Mathematica has defined the state of the art in technical computing—and provided the principal computation environment for millions of innovators, educators, students, and others around the world. Widely admired for both its technical prowess and elegant ease of use ...