Best way to solve for a implicit equation? › matlabcentral › answersOct 08, 2015 · Direct link to this answer. Cancel. Copy to Clipboard. The fzero function seems to be appropriate here: g = 1.27; ar = 44.11; fcn = @ (M) (1./M)* ( (2/ (g+1)).* (1+ ( ( (g-1)/2)*M.^2)).^ ( (g+1)/ (2* (g-1)))) - ar; M = fzero (fcn, 1)
Implicit Equations - Math Terms & Solutions - Maplesoft › ns › mathFor example, the implicit equation of the unit circle is. An implicit function is a function that is defined implicitly by an implicit equation, by associating one of the variables (the value) with the others (the arguments). Thus, an implicit function for y in the context of the unit circle is defined implicitly by 1. Maple is powerful math software that makes it easy to work with implicit equations, and to analyze, explore, visualize, and solve mathematical problems from virtually every ...