Forside - SSB sosial gradient menes at det er en klar og visuell sammenheng mellom levevanen som studeres, f.eks. røykevaner, og sosioøkonomiske kjennetegn ved populasjonen som studeres, for eksempel utdanningsnivå (Marmot, 2005).Andelen dagligrøykere i befolkningen synker entydig med stigende utdanningsnivå.
Social Gradients in the Health of Indigenous Australians › pmc › articlesThe pattern of association between social class (or status) and health is typically characterized by poorer health for those at lower levels of the social hierarchy14,15—that is, health outcomes follow a social gradient. Importantly, social gradients reflect more than differences between the high and low ends of the distribution—at any point along this continuum, people will tend to have poorer health than those above them.