Korea - OECD Data
data.oecd.org/korea.htmKorea (red) Total % of GDP 2019 Korea (red) Government reserves Indicator: 247 759.0 Total SDR millions Q4-2014 Korea SDR millions: Total SDR millions Q1-2010-Q4-2014 Korea (red) Total SDR millions Q4-2014 Korea (red) Tax on corporate profits Indicator: 3.4 Total % of GDP 2020 Korea % of GDP: Total % of GDP 2001-2020 Korea (red), OECD - Average ...
Economy of South Korea - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_South_KoreaThe economy of South Korea is a highly developed mixed economy dominated by family-owned conglomerates called chaebols. By nominal GDP, it has the 4th largest economy in Asia and the 10th largest in the world. South Korea is notable for its emergence of economic development from one of the poorest countries in the world to a developed, high-incomecountry in just a few generations. This …
South Korea GDP | 2022 Data | 2023 Forecast | 1960-2021 ...
tradingeconomics.com › south-korea › gdpThe Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in South Korea was worth 1630.53 billion US dollars in 2020, according to official data from the World Bank. The GDP value of South Korea represents 1.44 percent of the world economy. GDP in South Korea averaged 500.07 USD Billion from 1960 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 1724.85 USD Billion in 2018 and a record low of 2.42 USD Billion in 1961. This ...
South Korea GDP - Worldometer
www.worldometers.info › gdp › south-korea-gdpNominal (current) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of South Korea is $1,530,750,923,149 (USD) as of 2017. Real GDP (constant, inflation adjusted) of the Republic of Korea reached $1,345,945,672,417 in 2017. GDP Growth Rate in 2017 was 3.06%, representing a change of 39,998,148,887 US$ over 2016, when Real GDP was $1,305,947,523,530.