Spearman-Brown calculator
lertap5.com › HTMLHelp › Lrtp59HTMLThe Spearman-Brown "prophecy formula" is applied in some of this site's samples. It's used to estimate how the reliability of a test would change if more items were added to the test. The "test" can be either a cognitive or an affective instrument. An Excel workbook with this formula built in may be downloaded from here. (Note: in some browsers ...
Spearman-Brown calculator
lertap5.com/HTMLHelp/Lrtp59HTML/spearman_brown.htmSpearman-Brown calculator The Spearman-Brown "prophecy formula" is applied in some of this site's samples. It's used to estimate how the reliability of a test would change if more items were added to the test. The "test" can be either a cognitive or an affective instrument. An Excel workbook with this formula built in may be downloaded from here.