Special Functions - Missouri S&T
https://web.mst.edu/~lmhall/SPFNS/spfns.pdfThe summation is the real part of the Riemann zeta function, (s), a function with many interesting properties, most of which involve its continuation into the complex plane. However, for the real part we get that (s)= 1 s−1 +C(s); where 0 <C(s)<1. We shall return to both these examples later. 1.2. Fourier Series Let L>0 and de ne the ...
Chapter 5 Special Functions
www.et.byu.edu › ~vps › ET502WWWfunctions appear as solutions of boundary value problems in physics and engineering. The survey of special functions presented here is not complete – we focus only on functions which are needed in this class. We study how these functions are defined, their main properties and some applications.
Special Functions - Missouri S&T
web.mst.edu › ~lmhall › SPFNSExample 1.1.2 (The Riemann Zeta Function). f(x)=1=xs, s>1. Now the theorem gives Xn k=1 1 ks = 1 s−1 1 − 1 ns−1 + C n(s) where 0 <C n(s)<1. Let n!1, giving X1 k=1 1 ks = 1 s−1 + C(s) with 0 <C(s)<1. The summation is the real part of the Riemann zeta function, (s), a function with many interesting properties, most of which involve its continuation into the complex plane.