17.11.2020 · At the end of the first Spider-Man game for PlayStation 4 and Playstation 5, players were shown that Peter Parker is not the only person with spider-powers in New York City.In the follow-up game, Spider-Man: Miles Morales, players get their first opportunity to play as the younger, less experienced Spider-Man.One on a freshman adventure to discover his capabilities.
Leverandør: .power.no. Databehandlingsansvarlig: Doubleclick, Google. Formål: Brukes til nettbasert markedsføring ved å samle inn informasjon om brukerne og deres aktivitet på nettstedet. Informasjonen brukes til å målrette annonsering til …
12.11.2020 · The latest adventure in the Spider-Man universe will build on and expand ‘Marvel’s Spider-Man’ through an all-new story. Players will experience the rise of Miles Morales as he masters new powers to become his own Spider-Man. Available on Playstation 5, Holiday 2020.
As she died, Miles revealed to his mother that he was in fact Spider-Man. She told him she was proud of him, but begged him never to tell his father. Racked with guilt, Miles gave up the mantle soon after. After a year of not being Spider-Man and losing Ganke's confidence over quitting, Miles began dating Kate Bishop, a secret Hydra member.