18.05.2020 · static 아닌 폴더에서 정적 정보 읽어오기 스프링 부트에 web 의존성을 추가하고 localhost:8080 으로 접근하면 기본적으로 resources 폴더에 있는 static 에 위치한 index.html 파일을 읽게됩니다. ... HTML, springboot, static, templates, ...
Jul 06, 2020 · Spring Boot automatically adds static web resources located within any of the following directories: The directories are located in the classpath or in the root of the ServletContext . In our application, we have one HTML file which contains a simple link. The link triggers a response from the web Boot application. It returns a plain text message.
Static Content. By default, Spring Boot serves static content from a directory called /static (or /public or /resources or /META-INF/ resources) in the classpath or from the root of the ServletContext. It uses the ResourceHttpRequestHandler from Spring MVC so that you can modify that behavior by adding your own WebMvcConfigurer and overriding ...
20.01.2017 · It is a default directory (by default spring will look inside for any templates). static folder is used for serving web static content, all the css, js, html etc. (also default folder search by spring) http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-developing-web-applications.html#boot-features-spring-mvc-static-content
Jul 07, 2020 · Spring Boot Tutorials. Hands-on examples. - Basics of Spring Boot. Covers Spring Boot Starter Projects, Spring Initializr, Creating REST Services, Unit and Integration tests, Profiles, Spring Boot Data JPA, Actuator and Security
Jan 21, 2017 · These folders are a way of organizing your files. These static and templates folders have special meaning in a case that it know has become common understanding for organizing your frontend files such as css, js, html etc among developers.
Static resources, including HTML and JavaScript and CSS, can be served from your Spring Boot application by dropping them into the right place in the source code. By default, Spring Boot serves static content from resources in the classpath at /static (or /public ).
1, in the Static file (Static file default is static resource) · 2, Templates folder (Plate, the view template is the dynamic page of SpringBoot, you need to ...