Journal Impact | Springer › gp › journal-impactJournal Metrics Reports 2020. You’ve invested heavily in your research and you want to get the best possible exposure and engagement for it in the most appropriate journal in your field. You are likely to consider a wide range of factors when deciding where to publish your research such as a journal’s scope, reputation, readership and impact.
Journal Impact | Springer Metrics Reports 2020. You’ve invested heavily in your research and you want to get the best possible exposure and engagement for it in the most appropriate journal in your field. You are likely to consider a wide range of factors when deciding where to publish your research such as a journal’s scope, reputation, readership and impact.
SpringerOpen and impact › p › springeropen-impact2-year Impact Factor: Metric calculated by Clarivate Analytics and available in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) product. The 2-year journal Impact Factor is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year.
SpringerOpen and impact and impact. We’re proud of the impact our journals have—from citations to social media shares; from advancing discovery within individual disciplines to affecting public discourse and policymaking. On this page you can find some information and resources on SpringerOpen journals' metrics and impact.
Biogeochemistry | Home - Springer · Biogeochemistry publishes original and synthetic papers dealing with biotic controls on the chemistry of the environment, or with the geochemical control of the structure and function of ecosystems. Cycles are considered, either of individual elements or of specific classes of natural or anthropogenic compounds in ecosystems.
Computing | Home - Springer · Computing publishes original papers, short communications and surveys on all fields of computing. The contributions should be written in English and may be of theoretical or applied nature, the essential criteria are computational relevance and systematic foundation of results. Subjects include. autonomic, adaptive, dependable computing.