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https://rd.springer.comHome - Springer. Providing corporate researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals , books , series , protocols , reference works and proceedings . Featured Journal.
About SpringerLink
www.springer.com › gp › helpSpringerLink offers electronic and printed literature from Springer-Verlag, a preeminent scientific publisher with a reputation for excellence spanning more than 150 years. It also offers the work of a growing roster of publishers, including Urban and Vogel, Steinkopff, and Birkhäuser. SpringerLink homepage. SpringerLink help page.
Home - Springer
rd.springer.comHome - Springer. Providing corporate researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals , books , series , protocols , reference works and proceedings . Featured Journal.
SpringerLINK | USC Libraries
libraries.usc.edu › databases › springerlinkSpringerLINK. The SpringerLink database is the online central access point for Springer resources in all disciplines including arts, humanities, and social sciences, with particular strength in Science-Technology-Medicine. USC has access to hundreds of Springer e-journals and 6,500 new e-books / e-reference works every year (over 38,000 so far).
Home - Springer
link.springer.comProviding researchers with access to millions of scientific documents from journals, books, series, protocols, reference works and proceedings.