Square Root Calculator
squarerootcalculator.coThe square root of a number is a value that when multiplied by itself equals the original number. Example: The square root of 9 = 3. Thus: 3 x 3 = 9. Where A and B are valid numbers: A is the square root of B if: A x A = B Square Root Symbol / Square Root Sign: The square root of a number N is commonly represented by: √ N
Square Root Calculator
https://squarerootcalculator.coTo take the square root of a number, press [2ND] (the secondary function key) and then [√ ] (the radical symbol key which is used to take the square root of a number) and then the number that you want to find the square root of and then the [ENTER] key.Example: To find the square root of 2, push: [2ND] [√ ] 2 [ENTER] This will give you the answer of: 1.414213562 if done correctly.