networking - ssh connection refused - Ask Ubuntu › questions › 739164Feb 26, 2016 · SSH Connection refused because of the following reason- default port (22) has been changed to something others. Check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file for any change in port. IP conflict on the LAN. Use arping command to determine any conflict. see your dhcp pool. ssh port is not allowed on ip-tables/firewall. Check your iptables/firewall and allow.
networking - ssh connection refused - Ask Ubuntu · SSH Connection refused because of the following reason- default port (22) has been changed to something others. Check your /etc/ssh/sshd_config file for any change in port. IP conflict on the LAN. Use arping command to determine any conflict. see your dhcp pool. ssh port is not allowed on ip-tables/firewall. Check your iptables/firewall and allow.