How to Compute RGB Image Standard Deviation from Channels ... › data-analysis › How-to-Compute-RGB-ImageApr 01, 2015 · We know that a key indicator of the noise in a image is its SNR (signal to noise ratio), which is computed as the average color value of the pixels in a plain patch target divided by the standard deviation (noise) of the color values of those pixels. For each of the three image RGB channels we can easily compute the average and noise to get the SNR, but this way we end up with three averages, standard deviation, and SNR values: One set of those values for each channel.
Image Mean, Standard Deviation, and Correlation Coefficient ... › help › imagesYou can compute standard statistics of an image using the mean2, std2, and corr2 functions. mean2 and std2 compute the mean and standard deviation of the elements of a matrix. corr2 computes the correlation coefficient between two matrices of the same size. These functions are two-dimensional versions of the mean, std, and corrcoef functions described in the MATLAB ® Function Reference.