Dagens KRYSSORD - Startsiden.no
www.startsiden.no › spill › kryssord21 Blitz. 21 Blitz is a strategic card game which shares some of the rules of Black Jack. But unlike in the slow paced Black Jack the goal is to add up the cards to 21 as quickly as possible in the 4 available slots whilst having to complete 2 decks of cards. Think carefully about the cards you use and the cards you trash, before you know it ...
The New York Times Crossword - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › apps• LEADERBOARDS: Start a friendly competition with our Mini Crossword leaderboards. Add up to 25 friends to see who can solve the day’s Mini puzzle the fastest. • CROSSWORD ARCHIVE: Sharpen your skills with thousands of crossword puzzles. Subscribers get access to over 10,000 editions of The Crossword and over 2,000 Mini Crossword puzzles.
Kryss - The Battle of Words - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsKryss - The Battle of Words. The turn-based game is developed from the idea of transforming the traditional crossword solution - old school Scandinavian style - into a game where you compete against each other in the same crossword puzzle. You receive five letters each turn, then strive to place the letters in the crossword within a minute.
Norges største kryssordbok – kryssord.org
https://www.kryssord.org12.12.2021 · Velkommen til kryssord.org. Skriv søkeordet (det du ønsker synonym til) i venstre øverste felt, og eventuelt det du vet om ønsket løsningsord (synonym til søkeordet) i høyre nederste felt. I høyre nederste felt kan du skrive inn de bokstaver du har, og ? for de bokstaver du mangler. Du kan også skrive inn et tall for å få synonymer med samme antall bokstaver.