Impact StartUp
https://www.impactstartup.noImpact StartUp akselererer Norges beste løsninger på samfunnsutfordringer. Vi brenner for idéene som gjør Norden bedre – og som skaper målbar sosial og miljømessig effekt. De beste løsningene må være økonomisk bærekraftige, investerbare og skalerbare for å lykkes. Vi er best i Norden på å gi disse oppstartsselskapene raskere ...
https://startuplab.noStartuplab Energy is an industry program and network connecting Norwegian energy and cleantech startups, corporations, industrial players, research institutions and other stakeholders. Data-science › Startuplab Data Science is the industry program for startups and corporates helping them succeed with big data, machine learning and AI.
Start Norge
https://www.startnorge.noHva er start? Venture Cup. Lokallag. Styret. Arrangementer. Kontakt oss. This is the index description. Hva er Start? Venture cup. Lokallag. Styret. Arrangementer ...
Landing page | Startup Norway
www.startupnorway.comA program that provides professional guidance, learning and network to help aspiring VCs learn and prepare for raising and managing a fund. Join Now Fundraising For Startups In partnership with Innovation Norway, we provide a 7-week program to help your startup become fundraising ready! Join Now Join us at startup campus!
Startup Campus
https://www.startupcampus.noWelcome to Startup Norway´s Startup Campus, the new entrepreneurial playground in the center of Oslo. We are on a mission to share the power of entrepreneurship, with co-working for ambitious entrepreneurs, events that make an impact, and educational programs to empower the next generation of entrepreneurs. Public Procurement For Startups In partnership with DFØ, you will learn to familiarise yourself with Norwegian public procurement policies and its potential for your business! Join Now What is your challenge? Create a startup Get the inspiration and support that you need to create the next success story Mentor startups
StartUP! - IKT-Norge! Det er mange små IT-bedrifter som har potensiale til å bli det neste store teknologieventyret. IKT-Norge vil gi disse hjelp i startgropen, og med det bidra til å rydde en del praktiske utfordringer av veien slik at dere kan fokusere på innovasjon og kommersialisering. Det viktigste bidraget IKT-Norge kan gi små, nystartede ...
Startup Norway - The Hub › startups › startup-norwayStartup Norway Startup Norway is a private organization born in 2011 to support the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Norway. Startup Norway is a project-based organization, operating several projects and initiatives from Norway and the Nordics. - Startup Extreme, a startup tech event to connect the Norwegian startup ecosystem to the world.
startuplab.noStartuplab Energy is an industry program and network connecting Norwegian energy and cleantech startups, corporations, industrial players, research institutions and other stakeholders. Data-science › Startuplab Data Science is the industry program for startups and corporates helping them succeed with big data, machine learning and AI.