Statistics Norway - Wikipedia Norway (Norwegian: Statistisk sentralbyrå, abbreviated to SSB) is the Norwegian statistics bureau. It was established in 1876. Relying on a staff of about 1,000, Statistics Norway publish about 1,000 new statistical releases every year on its web site. All releases are published both in Norwegian and English. In addition a number of edited publications are publis…
Norway - The World Factbook › the-world-factbook › countriesMar 17, 2022 · Norway proclaimed its neutrality at the outset of World War II, but was nonetheless occupied for five years by Nazi Germany (1940-45). In 1949, Norway abandoned neutrality and became a member of NATO. Discovery of oil and gas in adjacent waters in the late 1960s boosted Norway's economic fortunes. In referenda held in 1972 and 1994, Norway ...
Norway - OECD Data % of gross farm receipts: Producer support (PSE) % of gross farm receipts 2001-2020 Norway (red), OECD - Total (black) Crop production Indicator: 5.63 Wheat Tonnes/hectare 2030 Norway Tonnes/hectare: Wheat Tonnes/hectare 2011-2030 Norway (red), OECD - Total (black) Fish landings Indicator: 1 974 646.6 National landings in domestic ports ...
Public APIs - Statistics Norway · Public APIs. Statistics Norway offer 3 APIs (Application Programming Interface) for users to quickly and easily retrieve and integrate Statistics Norway’s data with their own systems. API: Create your own datasets. API for queries towards all …
Statistics Norway · New statistics. 18 Mar. Economic trends. figures for 1. quarter 2022. Building statistics. figures for February 2022. Tax accounts. figures for February 2022. Lifelong learning.
Statistics Norway - › statistics-norway › id270407Dec 31, 2019 · Statistics Norway is responsible for the National Accounts and other key economic statistics. This information is used in, inter alia, preparing the National Budget and long-term plans. Other examples of economic statistics are data on Norway’s international trade, tax revenues, inflation, production, labour force participation and unemployment.
SSB - Statistisk sentralbyrå
https://www.ssb.noHva er vanlig lønn i Norge? Det kan være fristende å se på gjennomsnittslønn når en lurer på hva som er vanlig å tjene. Imidlertid har over 60 prosent lavere lønn enn gjennomsnittet. Her får du flere nyttige tips til hvordan du kan bruke lønnsstatistikken til …
Statistics Norway › enfigures for 2021. 17 Mar. Forest owners' income. figures for 2020. Public corporations, accounts. figures for 2020. Construction cost index for plumbing works in office and commercial buildings. figures for February 2022. Storting election, election survey.