ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction › stemi-st-segmentDec 10, 2021 · ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is the term cardiologists use to describe a classic heart attack. It is one type of myocardial infarction in which a part of the heart muscle (myocardium) has died due to the obstruction of blood supply to the area. The ST segment refers to the flat section of an electrocardiogram (ECG), in ...
ST Elevation MI (STEMI) – Cardio Guide · All patients with anterior ST depressions and inferior ST elevations must get a 15-lead ECG to assess for RV infarct and posterior STEMI. Posterior MI – A 15-lead ECG provides additional V7-V9 leads, which allow additional assessment for a posterior STEMI.. Posterior STEMIs are commonly missed because a 12-lead ECG demonstrates ST depressions in …
STEMI Heart Attacks: The REAL Dangers • MyHeart › articles › stemiJan 25, 2015 · A STEMI is a full-blown heart attack caused by the complete blockage of a heart artery. A STEMI heart attack, like a Widow Maker, is taken very seriously and is a medical emergency that needs immediate attention. For this reason its often called a “CODE STEMI” or a “STEMI alert.” STEMI stands for ST elevation myocardial infarction.