Storebrand Asset Management Asset Management has placed Bunge Ltd and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) on its observation list, due to a high risk of deforestation occurring in the companies' soy supply chains in Brazil. Soy production is a major driver of deforestation and conversion of native ecosystems, which causes CO2 emissions, biodiversity loss, drought, temperature rise and violations of the …
Storebrand Asset Management › asset-managementStorebrand AM places Bunge and ADM on observation list due to deforestation risk. Storebrand Asset Management has placed Bunge Ltd and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) on its observation list, due to a high risk of deforestation occurring in the companies' soy supply chains in Brazil. Soy production is a major driver of deforestation and conversion ...
Asset Management - Storebrand › en › asset-managementStorebrand AM places Bunge and ADM on observation list due to deforestation risk. Storebrand Asset Management has placed Bunge Ltd and Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) on its observation list, due to a high risk of deforestation occurring in the companies' soy supply chains in Brazil. Soy production is a major driver of deforestation and conversion ...
Code of Conduct - Storebrand › en › code-of-conductStorebrand employees must never receive benefits from the Group's connections, such as gifts, discounts, kickbacks, travel or bonuses for private purchases, borrowing or the like. This also applies to employees' related parties, if the benefit is based on the employment relationship. Guidelines anti-corruption Discrimination