SFDR - Storebrand
www.storebrand.no › en › asset-managementStorebrand Asset Management (SAM) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Storebrand ASA listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (ticker STB). The Storebrand Group has roots back to 1767 and is a leading player in the Nordic market for long-term savings, pensions, banking and insurance. Storebrand Asset Management owns several asset managers, collectively ...
Fixed Income funds - Storebrand
www.storebrand.no › en › asset-managementFixed Income funds - Storebrand. Storebrand's interest management includes Norwegian, Swedish and global interest rates. We also provide our institutional clients with access to debt investments, through secured real estate bonds. The management of interest involves essentially taking positions in securities with different interest rate binding ...
Indeksfond - fondssparing med lavere kostnader - …
Storebrand Global Indeks A. Et indeksnært aksjefond som har som oppgave å følge verdiutvikling til referanseindeksen MSCI World NR og forvaltes i tråd med Storebrands prinsipper for bærekraftige investeringer. Forvaltningshonorar: …